(800) 241-8697

For $29.99 a month, you can eliminate up to 100% of your
credit card processing fees with KiboPay.

$100 in Sales = $100 in your Bank Account.

“Whoo wants to pay unnecessary fees?

Form Regular Pages

  • Save thousands $$$
    Find out exactly how much TODAY.

Unlimited transactions and unlimited sales volume.
Stop paying fees for every swipe.

Join the millions of small businesses that have made this one simple change – increasing profit margins by eliminating credit card processing fees.

NO Interchange fees
NO Card brand fees from VISA/MC/AMEX
NO PCI fees
NO Batch fees
NO Technology fees
NO Statement fees

$100 Sales = $100 in Your Bank Account

With such a high percentage of transactions being done by credit card, it is no longer practical for business owners to bear the burden of exorbitant processing fees.

Try it Today

What We Do

Eliminate Processing Fees
Never pay processing fees again

Free Equipment
Free terminal shipped to your business

No term contracts
No cancellation or termination fees. Ever.

5 Star Customer Service
Award Winning 24/7 Customer Service

Next Day Funding
Funds in your account the next business day.

Online Account Management
Robust online reporting portal

Automatically Qualify for Working Capital

Sign up with Kibo and you are automatically pre-approved for a working capital advance.

Ready to Take the Next Step?